Transform your current fireplace
Imagine life with no more drafty fireplace. Fireplace inserts fit inside your existing wood fireplace opening, providing an instant upgrade in both looks and heating efficiency. Warm up to greater performance, safety and convenience.

Are you sick of the hassle? The draft? The mess?
Fireplace inserts can transform an existing traditional masonry fireplace into a beautiful and efficient heat source, without a major renovation. You’ve got prime real estate sitting right in front of you; put it to good use with the best-in-class styling and performance of a Heat & Glo, Heatilator, or QuadraFire fireplace insert.
Ease of Use ~ Cost Savings ~ Update the Look of the Home ~ Safety ~ Heat ~ Resale Value Increase
“Ease” means different things to different people. Some people think ease means not having to carry wood into the home or cleaning out ashes; others think of ease as having a warm, bright fire at the touch of a buttom. While others define ease as how quickly a gas insert can be installed…what does “ease” mean to you?
Are you interested in saving money on your utility costs? A gas or wood burning insert is an effieciant way to lower your bills. Save money on relining your chimney and on heating your home.
Are you looking to update the look of your home? An insert can take your old hearth and update it into one of many looks. Modern? Traditional? Mid-Century? Classic? There are inserts and fronts for any look that you want.
Safety is always an important factor of a fireplace. When it comes to fireplace inserts, some homeowners are drawn to the fact that there are no sparks or smoke or odors coming from the fireplace anymore. While others like the standard safety screen that protects from accidental touch by little hands, or maybe that it isn’t an open flame.
A lot of wood burning fireplaces leave the home a bit chilly, this is due to the use of the air inside the home being used to fuel the fire. Eliminate that issue with a fireplace insert! Inserts will seal your fireplace opening and create HEAT. Inserts use outside air to fuel the flame and radiate heat into the room. This additional heat will also aid the furnace, so it isn’t working so hard.
Do you plan on selling your home at some point? A gas or wood burning insert can add to the resale value to your home due to all the reasons above. A fireplace alone can add 6-12% value to the home, now make it one that is stylish, easy, and fuctional in numerous ways!
Have you had a chimney company recommend having your chimney relined?